I don't even think this was Halloween. Please note my brother's facial expression.

With Joanna/Lucy/Florence in their garden with the "Wendy House." Why is my hair in such a high bun??

Mom and Peter in our old house with our Easter Tree.

Peter, Simon, me, and Justin, posing with weapons in Gma&Gdad's old garden. 1994ish.

At the first show I took Blaze to. I love how the sky contrasts with his orange neck. I think I was juuuust 13?

BFFs Lauren, Jessica and I at our fourth grade graduation. I believe Tubthumping by Chumbawumba was our favorite song at the time.

Mom, Peter and I after a dance recital. I guess I have always been cursed with volumeless hair.

With Henry, the largest/best cat ever.

Mom and Peter with Ranger Rick centrefold.

My lovely grandparents at Abbey Court.
you look exactly the same!
i love your tights? leggings?
also your many hairstyles..
hahahah i REALLY like the Easter tree
oh man
it was like science&tech for children! kindof
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