Thursday, November 15, 2007

By the Numbers

So since I'm such a Technician sports fan (ha), I've decided to do a BY THE NUMBERS of my life in the month of November:

25 - number of minutes left in Art History

69 - number of points i earned on the last Art History test, mainly because a) i have a lot of studio work, so i didn't study much b) i have a job, so i didn't study much c) i didn't know we were supposed to know all that architecture stuff, so i didn't study it

115 - highest grade on said test, and amount of points i feel like i DESERVE. i mean really. i try, right? im a good person, right? WHY DOESNT THIS EQUAL A GOOD GRADE??

3 - number of approximate dollops of shampoo i have left. this is a problem. why exactly do i always end up with more conditioner than shampoo?

35 - cost (US$) of amazing brown suede scrunchy boots that i really, really want: DONT BUY THE 6.5s PLEASE!

5 - number of days left until Thanksgiving Break!

21129083129 - number of hours (approx.) that I will sleep over Thanksgiving Break

0 - number of turkeys my family will eat over Thanksgiving Break. hopefully we will order Indian food like we did last year instead.

8 - number of hours before i GET PAID, since I didn't get paid last time. I AM SO PUMPED!

4 - number of Gilmore Girls episodes I watched (season 2!) last night, since I refused to do anything for Typography. i really feel like it was time well spent...i had forgotten how many great the pre-Yale episodes were.

75 - approx. number of goldfish I ate while watching said Gilmore Girls episodes.

7 - number of scarves that i own and am excited about wearing this winter. for a minute i thought that was a lot of scarves, but then thought about how many maggie has, and then realized i was wrong.

18 - hours a day (approx.) i think I am online. like seriously. it's getting kind of out of control. last night, alison and i were sitting 3 feet apart in the room and were talking online. i think it felt so normal because we talk online in studio all the time, so why not when we are in the room? who needs real communication skills? not us. nope.


MagAttacksYou said...

"7 - number of scarves that i own and am excited about wearing this winter. for a minute i thought that was a lot of scarves, but then thought about how many maggie has, and then realized i was wrong."


7 is a lot!!

I really liked this By the Numbers format.

Alison said...

sometimes i wish i could have important conversations over aim instead of in real life because i'm better at communication at aim. how sad is that? so sad.

also i like the by the numbers and may copy it.

Alison said...

ps those boots are CUUUUTE!